LEAPWORK Learning Center

Automating SAP with reusable sub-flows

Written by Praveen Kumar | Aug 26, 2020 9:40:10 AM

Leapwork's no-code automation platform comes with in-built reusability that makes it easier and faster to maintain and scale your SAP automation.

Our reusable components (we call them "Sub-flows"), enable you to wrap parts of an automation flow into a reusable element - for example, a login-logout element - that can be used in multiple flows, maintained from one location and shared across teams. 

With Sub-flows, you can improve productivity by reusing the same element again and again; hide complexity, lower maintenance and ensure consistency.

In this video, we will show you:

  1. How to convert SAP automation flows into re-usable objects
  2. Sub-flow best practices
  3. How to parameterize Sub-flows

Please be aware the Leapwork's dedicated SAP features are only available in the Enterprise Edition. If you already use Leapwork for SAP and haven't yet upgraded to release 2020.2, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager who will support you to get the most out of the features.

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