click4. Prepare for new REST API and infrastructure 

If you are using the REST API directly or are relying on one of the native plugins, please read this section to prepare for the upgrade.

LEAPWORK ships with a powerful and open REST API. With release 2018.1, we are optimizing the API to focus even more on the endpoints used by third party systems. This means the number of available endpoints is reduced to make it simpler to adopt the API, but that the available endpoints includes more relevant functionality towards third party integrations.

All the existing open source native plugins for Jenkins, TeamCity, TFS/VSTO, Bamboo, Atlassian etc. will of course be migrated to the new API, and new versions are available for download at GitHub.

In case you have made integrations of your own towards the existing REST API, you should expect that some of the endpoints have changed or are no longer available with the new version. 

Please note that starting with release 2018.1, the REST API will per default be exposed on port 9001 instead of the previous port 9000. The port is configurable in the controller\controller.config found in the Assets folder in the LEAPWORK installation folder (typically, ‘c:\Program Files\LEAPWORK’).

Read the full API documentation.

At this stage, if you have gone through all four steps of the upgrade guide, you are ready to download and install the 2018.1 version of the LEAPWORK Automation Platform, coming soon

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Success Team.