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Oracle Test Automation: Why It's Critical

Maria Homann

Maria Homann

For businesses using Oracle software, testing is an essential part of ensuring that business-critical processes run as intended in and between Oracle applications and the business' remaining ecosystem.

When performed manually, testing is not only extremely time-consuming, but also tedious and error-prone. This is because tests should be executed every time a new process is set up, every time a process is adjusted, and every time Oracle updates their system. That adds up to a lot of testing, and the only way that this is feasible is to automate the testing.

Applying Test Automation in Oracle is particularly critical for the following reasons:

  • Businesses must be able to frequently change and update process flows to reflect changes in business strategy and to keep up with market demands. The more changes, the higher the risk of breakage, making frequent testing crucial.
  • Oracle is highly customizable to match the business' individual needs and requirements. The higher the level of customization, the higher the risk of breakage when updates occur or changes are made, again making testing crucial.
  • Oracle rarely stands alone in a business’ ecosystem, meaning integrations are typically set up between Oracle applications and other applications. This increases the complexity of the system, making the argument for testing stronger.
  • As the use of the system grows for the business, so does the amount of data. While the pool of transactional data across systems grows, so does the need to test and ensure that data is flowing and stored as intended.

By automating tests, enterprises are not only given the ability to test everything they need within a short time frame, they are also given the confidence that their most critical processes work, and they are notified if something doesn’t, so that they can fix it before it affects the end-user or has financial consequences.

The problem is that setting up and maintaining automation is, to many QA teams, just as time-consuming (at least in the short term) as doing the tests manually. In this way, test automation can seem like a bit of a paradox - it can save you time once you have it, but getting to the point of time-saving is extremely time-consuming.

This is why finding the right Oracle automation tool is essential to success with test automation.

Whitepaper: Improve Oracle software releases with test automation

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