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One of the most common processes in automation is logging in to an application. A login process is a good automation showcase, because it includes field handling and clicking on form elements.
Practically every application requires some kind of login to identify the user and ensure that the user has the right access level.
The tutorial below includes examples of different ways to do a login in virtual desktop applications (Citrix, Remote Desktop, mainframe etc.). The video also shows how to wrap a login flow into a reusable custom component (called “Sub-flows” in current versions of LEAPWORK) and how to add parameters for user ID and password.
Please note that the tutorial video involves an older version of the LEAPWORK Automation Platform (formerly called LEAPTEST), but the principles shown are still valid.
The examples shown in the video uses image recognition to find the 'userid' and 'pwd' fields in the login form. It also shows how to use the keyboard to navigate between fields in the login form to reduce the amount of building blocks required and to build more robustness into the automation flow.
Making the login flow reusable is a good idea for many reasons:
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