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How to Get Certified in Test Automation

Kasper Fehrend

Kasper Fehrend

When a company decides to adopt new methods or change existing processes, for example by rolling out new software, it often requires that employees upgrade their skill set or learn completely new skills. One way to ensure that an employee has the required skills is to rely on certification. The same goes for consultants who need to document that they are proficient in the tasks they are hired to do.

When it comes to certifications within test automation, several of them are limited to specific frameworks or methods which means that they are quite narrow in how applicable they are. That’s why we offer our users to become certified in the Leapwork Automation Platform which relies on the same approach to designing automation flows across technologies. Leapwork users do no have to worry about underlying frameworks to become proficient in test automation.

Get Certified in Test Automation with Leapwork

Leapwork offers a comprehensive certification in test automation intended for consultants and other professionals who are experienced in working with the Leapwork Automation Platform.

The Leapwork Professional Certification Program consists of two parts:

Part 1: Multiple-choice test

This exercise assesses the examinee’s general knowledge of the Leapwork Automation Platform within all relevant areas, including:

  • Test case design and maintenance for various automation areas e.g. web, desktop UI, Citrix.
  • Scheduling automated tests and reporting on results
  • Platform setup and installation
  • Integration with third-party systems
  • and more

Part 2: Hands-on exercise

This is a case study that requires the examinee to outline how to implement a test automation scenario with Leapwork.

The way the certification program is designed ensures that people with the Leapwork Professional Certification:

  • fully understands how to work with the platform
  • can transfer test requirements into real-life cases
  • can ensure a successful adoption of the automation platform in a company

Learn more about becoming a certified Leapwork Professional here, including terms, prerequisites, and the certification process.