Software Release
Version 2018.2.301

Released on 22-03-19

Download version (2018.2.301)

Alternative download for Windows: 32-bit_msi  |  |

macOS/OS X (runtime agent only): 32-bit_pkg

Included in this release, are the following feature updates and improvements:

General updates

Extended automation capabilities with Java for desktop UI-automation
Extended automation capabilities for SAP
Extended automation capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365
Users can reset their own password
Admin can reset passwords for other users
Run sub-flow from here action available
Show Paste option window when a flow is being copied

Resolved issues

The Generate Password block is not creating a numeric value, even if the Include Numbers checkbox is checked
Reporting: Custom Range filtering by Date/Time does not work
Issues with test run on macOS High Sierra 10.13 and Safari v10.1 running on macOS Sierra 10.12
Studio deletes the complete test flow, even if user closes the confirmation message that says "closing this
pop-up will cause a loss to any unsaved changes"
Screen is getting blank in the whole video when the screensaver is encountered
When trying to capture web elements, facing an issue with capture
Add Send Email action in schedule results in error 'Emails cannot be sent'
Start Web Browser block is not able to process Start options: log-net-log
EdgeDriver not working for OS version 1809 Windows 10
Studio: Agent. Couldn't execute flow via scheduler on agent (localhost)

How we release

Feature releases

Major releases are typically released two to three times a year. The latest major release is 2020.2.

Bug fixes and patches

Minor updates, bug fixes, and patches, are bundled together for release when ready.

Release frequency

We aim to publish service release updates about once a month.

Architecture and implementation documentation


Learn more about Leapwork by diving into its three automation areas: web, desktop UI, or virtual desktops.

Software install guides

Install and set up the Leapwork Automation Platform in a few easy steps.

Full documentation

The complete documentation of the Leapwork automation platform for the latest version release.