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Released on 17-09-19
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General updates
New building block to Write to Excel
New building block to Get Desktop UI Attribute
Use the middle mouse button to drag the flow design canvas
A Gridlastic environment has been added to Leapwork
REST API: New endpoint to manage licenses
REST API: New endpoint to run flow by ID
REST API: New endpoint get last run item ID by flow ID
Add a Validate In Time option in the Strategy Editor
Scroll to find has been added for all desktop elements
Define default OCR engine in global settings
Await changes option available on Get Browser Details block
Version history for sub-flows now available for viewing
Technical improvements
Schedule preparation phase optimized for flows reusing sub-flows
Improved preview image scale quality
Visible flag for desktop UI elements (for Leapwork test automation) added
Updated BitmapSource cache mechanism to decrease memory consumption and unused BitmapSources have been destroyed
Decreased keyframes memory usage
Optimized database building block logic
Split web/desktop strategy info for runtime efficiency to a full and light version when using only one strategy
Leapwork has been protected against unexpected crashes by isolating ABBYY to a separate process
Implemented previous sibling ID check and fix at the beginning of the import process
Modified the default strategy generator to use dynamic ID
Exception handling possible for Copy all keyframes, Copy flow Run data
Video downloads turned off from BrowserStack and Sauce Labs
Revised database restore fixes/optimizations
Gridlastic Environment label changed
Studio user interface not blocked during heavy operations
Major releases are typically released two to three times a year. The latest major release is 2020.2.
Minor updates, bug fixes, and patches, are bundled together for release when ready.
We aim to publish service release updates about once a month.
Learn more about Leapwork by diving into its three automation areas: web, desktop UI, or virtual desktops.
©2024, Leapwork. All rights reserved.