Improvements to our Odyssey adapter - you can now capture elements easily on the Odyssey application. 

Supporting the latest Edge and Chrome drivers - in this service release, we have added support for:

  1. Chrome version 103
  2. Edge version 103
  3. Gecko version 31


If you have any queries, please contact your Leapwork Customer Success Manager.

Download Leapwork Version 2022.1.1019

How We Release

Feature Releases

Major releases are typically released two to three times a year. The latest major release is 2022.2.467

Bug Fixes and Patches

Minor updates, bug fixes, and patches are bundled together for release when ready.

Release Frequency

We aim to publish service release updates about once a month.

Architecture and implementation documentation


Learn more about Leapwork by diving into its three automation areas: Web, Desktop UI, or Virtual Desktops.

Software install guides

Install and set up the Leapwork Automation Platform in a few easy steps.

Full documentation

The complete documentation of the Leapwork automation platform for the latest version release.