Desktop UI Automation Training

Build automation flows for Windows-based applications, such as front- and back-office systems, including Microsoft Office, Java, and SAP.

1. Your first desktop UI automation flow

Learn how to create desktop UI automation flows, how to easily capture elements in a desktop application, and more.

2. Automating forms and fields

This video covers how to open forms, how to set values in different kinds of fields, and how to read and compare values.

3. Sub-flows and reusability

Learn how to create a reusable component (a sub-flow), how to drive automation cases with external data, and more.

4-1. Working with lists of elements

This lesson covers how to use the strategy editor, how to work with lists of elements, and how to use variables and tokens.

4-2. Data-driven desktop UI automation

Learn how to easily build iterative, data-driven automation cases by adding dynamic fields and external data sources to strategies.

5. Automate across desktop and web

Learn how to use web automation as part of a desktop case, how to build asserts based on values from different applications, and more.

6. Controlling multiple windows

Learn how to shift focus between open windows and applications and how to transfer data between applications in multiple cycles.

7. Write Excel building block

Explore two automation cases where you'll learn to write to excel using the new Write Excel building block.

Schedules, Agents, and Environments

This lesson covers: Setting up environments for remote execution, scheduling runs, and integrating to third-party cloud services.

Related articles and guides

Solving common challenges in web automation

Learn to automate authentication, dynamic content, file uploads, and much more.

Setting up a Selenium Grid for parallel execution

Get started with Selenium Grid and run Leapwork test cases on your grid for increased coverage.

Automating different application types

Learn the difference between web, desktop UI, and virtual desktop automation