Web Automation Training

Automate websites, web-based applications, and mobile web pages with Selenium-powered web automation. No coding needed.

1. Create your first web automation flow

Design web automation flows by connecting the LEAPWORK blocks. Be introduced to the most commonly used web automation functionalities.

2. Sub-flows and reusability

This lesson covers how to reuse parts of an automation flow elsewhere by creating sub-flows and how to add parameters to a sub-flow.

3. Data-driven web automation

Drive web automation flows with data from external sources like spreadsheets, databases, web services, and command line scripts.

4. Form fields and web controls

Automate forms and fields in any web application. Learn how to use the Database building block to drive values dynamically into a form.

5. Reading web text and numbers

Automatically read and retrieve text, selections, numbers, etc. from a web page, including text fields, drop-downs, and radio buttons.

6. Iterating through lists of elements

This tutorial covers how to work with lists of web elements, like table rows.  Learn how to select all elements of the same type with a single capture.

7. Automating mobile web pages

Learn how you can apply the same intuitive web automation approach to mobile. Design automation flows locally and then run them in the cloud.

8. Automating across web and desktop

Learn how to use web automation as part of a multi-application flow and how to build asserts based on values from different applications.

Schedules, Agents, and Environments

This lesson covers: Setting up environments for remote execution, scheduling runs, and integrating to third-party cloud services.

Web automation use cases

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Automating Salesforce

Automating ServiceNow

Automating Sitecore

More tutorials, guides, and articles

Solving common challenges in web automation

Learn to automate authentication, dynamic content, file uploads, and much more.

Setting up a Selenium Grid for parallel execution

Get started with Selenium Grid and run Leapwork test cases on your grid for increased coverage.

Automating different application types

Learn the difference between web, desktop UI, and virtual desktop automation

Run BrowserStack Local with Leapwork

Run BrowserStack locally by routing all requests from the browser through the local computer.

Parameterize capture criteria for web elements

There are instances where you want to be able to capture web elements using dynamic values.

The 'Run web JavaScript' building block

In some cases, you'll need the 'Run web JavaScript' component to make web automation work.

Run the same test case in multiple environments

Run some or all of your test cases against multiple environments for better quality assurance.