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Test Case Examples for Web Applications

Owen Savage

Owen Savage

While testing is massively important when it comes to maintaining well-functioning web applications, test cases are crucial to the overall process of software testing. This article will show you what a test case for web applications would look like.

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Web application testing

What do you test with web applications?

What is a test case for web applications?

The components of a test case for web applications

Web application testing

Firstly, what is a web application? It’s application software that runs in a web browser (unlike other programs running natively on a device’s operating system).

Read more: The basics of website functionality testing

There are thousands of variations of test cases for web applications. But what does a test case actually involve when conducting web automation on an application?

What do you test with web applications?

There are a huge amount of things to ensure are working correctly with a web browser. These range from test scenarios for result grid, for a window, for GUI and usability test scenarios, database testing (checking that the correct data is being saved in the right places when a form is being submitted).

The below graphic shows some of the principal aspects of a website checked during testing.

Website functionality testing

What is a test case for web applications?

We can see the complexity of testing web applications by taking a closer look at test cases. A test case is essentially a set of actions. This set of actions helps you verify a feature or a particular function of software applications.

Before we even get to test cases, we have what’s known as a test scenario. Test scenarios represent what is actually being tested. For example, this could be checking the functionality of a login.

The test case falls within the testing scenario. It is a way of testing a specific part of that scenario and is made up of different components describing input, action, and an expected response.

Because a test case is used to allow a tester to compare real and expected results, and therefore whether a web application is functioning as a customer requires, it includes specific conditions and variables.

It’s crucial that the expected results of a test case are documented. Otherwise, it will be difficult to notice small results and deviations.

The components of a test case for web applications

Components of a test case

While the test case description simply serves to describe what the particular case is, the test steps are the different stages that will be completed in order to check that the web application is working. This could involve going to the site itself, entering login details, and clicking submit.

The test data represents the information put into the test steps. If, for example, you’re taking steps to do a login on a website, the test data would be the information required for that login. Then you have the expected and actual results, which help the tester identify if the test has passed or failed.

Test case for web automation

The above graphic is a visual representation of what a test case looks like.

If you want to know more about testing web applications, including the main challenges you'll face and what to look out for, download our whitepaper on testing website functionality.

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