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Learning center'Get Run Item Keyframes' endpoint returns a list of keyframes of a run of a flow identified by the RunItemId, with the option of specifying a number of keyframes to offset the list with.
The complete logging of running a flow consists of a number of keyframes. Each keyframe contains information about a specific point in time in the execution of the flow, i.e. starting an application, clicking a button etc.
RunItemID can be fetched from the Response Body of the Get Run Items Id by Run Id endpoint.
Field | Type | Description | Comment |
runitemId | string | The runitemId is a unique Id for the individual run instance of a flow in a test run | runitemId can be fetched from Response Body of Get Run Items Id by Run Id endpoint |
offset | integer | Number of keyframes to offset. A keyframe is block execution information with log message and timestamp. |
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'AccessKey: Mo87Nc4qDAtzJNDb' 'http://{controllerMachine}:{controllerPort}/api/v3/runItems/28519a47-7c28-425f-9d6f-5eeab722166e/keyframes/100'
$headers = @{}
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://{controllerMachine}:{controllerPort}/api/v3/runItems/28519a47-7c28-425f-9d6f-5eeab722166e/keyframes/100" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers -Method GET
A list of all Schedule items is returned in the JSON response.
[ { "$id": "1", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "2", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5036398+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:28.5036398", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5036398", "Ticks": 636809902485036400 }, "Level": "Info", "Status": "Initializing", "LogMessage": "Scheduled run executed from schedule 'Test'", "Id": "cfafabb5-a2ea-456b-a97b-caf126b3b6b7" }, { "$id": "3", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "4", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5036398+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:28.5036398", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5036398", "Ticks": 636809902485036400 }, "Level": "Info", "Status": "Connecting", "LogMessage": "Connecting to Remote Agent", "Order": 1, "Id": "ddbdb027-c3d4-4050-962e-e451cb0e0c18" }, { "$id": "5", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "6", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5036398+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:28.5036398", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5036398", "Ticks": 636809902485036400 }, "Elapsed": "00:00:00.0000007", "Level": "Info", "Status": "Connected", "LogMessage": "Connected to Remote Agent with size 1920x1080", "Order": 2, "Id": "1ff22531-253a-43a2-b4fb-6aa71108b20d" }, { "$id": "7", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "8", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5046363+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:28.5046363", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:28.5046363", "Ticks": 636809902485046400 }, "Elapsed": "00:00:00.0005546", "Level": "Info", "Status": "Running", "BlockId": "33764f66-5793-4c23-ba2a-1a95cba61062", "LogMessage": "Running", "Order": 3, "Id": "91777430-1357-42ad-b779-461f681b709c" }, { "$id": "9", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "10", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:32.8279744+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:32.8279744", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:32.8279744", "Ticks": 636809902528279800 }, "Elapsed": "00:00:04.3240828", "Level": "Info", "Status": "Running", "BlockId": "eba26eee-7951-4ccc-a780-6dcbdbeabcd3", "LogMessage": "Chrome was successfully started.", "Order": 7, "Id": "01c72afc-02d1-44fd-affe-40f9096187dc" }, { "$id": "11", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "12", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:39.7101051+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:39.7101051", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:39.7101051", "Ticks": 636809902597101000 }, "Elapsed": "00:00:11.2061399", "Level": "Info", "Status": "Running", "BlockId": "eba26eee-7951-4ccc-a780-6dcbdbeabcd3", "LogMessage": "Chrome loaded url", "Order": 8, "Id": "6769131d-a588-4079-8095-feff5bab4dcb" }, { "$id": "13", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "14", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:40.3045042+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:40.3045042", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:40.3045042", "Ticks": 636809902603045000 }, "Elapsed": "00:00:11.8005855", "Level": "Info", "Status": "Running", "BlockId": "f05f4f9f-21bf-427a-b5d8-0cbb477a12e3", "LogMessage": "Left-clicked on web element 'image' at position 291:394", "Order": 11, "Id": "a0e8f5c1-b65f-48ef-85d4-580274af6dc3" }, { "$id": "15", "ScreenshotId": "055b16b5-a512-4243-ba89-e8d6f683dd35", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "16", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:41.220056+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:41.220056", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:41.220056", "Ticks": 636809902612200600 }, "Elapsed": "00:00:12.7167984", "Level": "Warning", "Status": "Running", "BlockId": "d6f6b844-05c0-468b-8130-787bbc5b92db", "LogMessage": "Web screenshot is saved", "Order": 14, "Id": "5ea52078-12cc-4681-9798-1d74c754b828" }, { "$id": "17", "AutomationRunItemId": "1037b945-e4db-4890-a930-d551d8a5e299", "Timestamp": { "$id": "18", "Value": "2018-12-21T11:57:42.2239171+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-12-21T17:27:42.2239171", "UtcDateTime": "2018-12-21T11:57:42.2239171", "Ticks": 636809902622239200 }, "Elapsed": "00:00:13.7200079", "Level": "Info", "Status": "Passed", "BlockId": "c2ebb2f2-9564-4109-b4e0-f2a4627b7afc", "LogMessage": "Case is passed.", "Order": 17, "Id": "7235b674-453e-43df-aa39-70684c14ff0c" } ] |
Field | Type | Description | Values |
AutomationRunItemId | string | ID of automation run item | |
Timestamp | DapperDateTimeOffset | ||
Elapsed | string | The total of flow execution in seconds | |
Level | string | Log level | 'Trace', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error' |
Status | string | Status of execution | 'NoStatus', 'Initializing', 'Connecting', 'Connected', 'Running', 'Passed', 'Failed', 'Timeout', 'Inconclusive', 'Cancelled', 'Error', 'Done' |
BlockId | string | Id of the building block | |
ParentBlockId | string | Id of the parent building block | |
LogMessage | string | Message logged by building block | |
Id | string | ID of internal object | |
ScreenshotId | string | ID of screenshot | |
DapperDateTimeOffset | Object | Object holds values for DateCreation and DateModify |
"$id","Value","LocalDateTime", "UtcDateTime","Ticks" |
$id | string | ID of internal object | |
Value | string | Saved date time | |
LocalDateTime | string | Date time local | |
UtcDateTime | string | Date time UTC | |
Ticks | number | Date time in ticks |
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