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Learning center'Get Schedule by Schedule Id' returns complete information about a schedule selected by the scheduleId. The returned response consists of information like ‘Schedule Title’, ‘Id’, ‘DateModify’, ‘DateCreation’, ‘IsEnabled’ etc. This information can be used to get the status of a specific schedule and call other endpoints in the API.
Property | Type | Description | Comments |
scheduleId | string | Unique identifier for a Schedule | scheduleId can be fetched from the response body of the Get Schedule Id |
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'AccessKey: Mo87Nc4qDAtzJNDb' 'http://localhost:9001/api/v4/schedules/587d3239-5ccb-402f-a1d1-46d907bd6eaa'
$headers = @{}
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost:9001/api/v4/schedules/587d3239-5ccb-402f-a1d1-46d907bd6eaa " -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers -Method GET
Details of a schedule will be returned as this response:
{ "$id": "1", "IsEnabled": true, "IsScheduled": true, "DayOfWeek": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "DailyWindowPeriodEnd": "02:00:59", "DailyWindowPeriodStart": "01:30:00", "Repeat": "RepeatEvery", "RepeatMinutes": 1440, "DateCreation": { "$id": "2", "Value": "2018-09-03T12:04:30+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-09-03T14:04:30", "UtcDateTime": "2018-09-03T12:04:30", "Ticks": 636715730700000000 }, "DateModify": { "$id": "3", "Value": "2018-09-03T12:04:30+00:00", "LocalDateTime": "2018-09-03T14:04:30", "UtcDateTime": "2018-09-03T12:04:30", "Ticks": 636715730700000000 }, "Title": "UAT", "Type": "ScheduleInfo", "Id": "587d3239-5ccb-402f-a1d1-46d907bd6eaa" } |
Field | Type | Description | Values |
$id | string | ID of an internal object | N/A |
IsEnabled | boolean | Is schedule Enabled/Disable status | True | False |
IsScheduled | boolean | The type of the schedule:
True | False |
DayOfWeek | string | Days of the week configured for a schedule of type “Scheduled”. | 'No', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday', 'Workdays', 'Weekend', 'EveryDay' |
DailyWindowPeriodEnd | string | End time configured for the ‘Daily run window’. | |
DailyWindowPeriodStart | string | Start window configured for the ‘Daily run window’ | |
Repeat | string | Repeat mode:
‘No Repeat', 'RepeatEvery', 'StartRightAfterLastRun' |
RepeatMinutes | number | Number of minutes between 2 runs of a schedule (‘Repeat every’). | |
DateCreation | DapperDateTimeOffset | Schedule Creation date | |
DateModify | DapperDateTimeOffset | Schedule Modification date | |
DapperDateTimeOffset | Object | Object holds values for DateCreation and DateModify | "$id","Value","LocalDateTime","UtcDateTime","Ticks" |
$id | string | ID of internal object | |
Value | string | Saved date time | |
LocalDateTime | string | Date time local | |
UtcDateTime | string | Date time UTC | |
Ticks | number | Date time in ticks | |
Title | string | Unique Schedule Title | |
Type | |||
Id | string | Unique Id of the Schedule (ScheduleId) |
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