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Learning center'Get-Not-Active-Users' returns a list of users who have been inactive since X number of days along with the teams in which these users are enrolled. We can also retrieve the name and number of the teams in which the user is a member. Along with this the last active time and date of the user can be retrieved.
(GET) http://{controllerMachine}:{controllerPort}/api/v4/user/notActive/{date}/{teamId}
Field |
Type |
Description |
Comment |
Date |
DateTime |
Date from which we need to check user has not been active |
This is Mandatory parameter
TeamId |
Guid |
The teamId is a unique Id for the team defined under the Leapwork Enterprise Edition |
This is optional parameter and The teamId can be fetched from the Response Body of Get All Team endpoint |
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'AccessKey: Mo87Nc4qDAtzJNDb'
$headers = @{} $headers.Add("accessKey","UsctfG8Mg1LVa29L")
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri " http://localhost:9001/api/v4/user/ notActive/2023-06-24T05:04:18.070Z/9fb4ef50-6924-471d-8261-052aa8b572c9" -
ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers -Method GET
Field |
Type |
Description |
Values |
$id |
string |
ID of internal object |
Id |
string |
Unique Id of User (UserId) |
UserName |
string |
Unique name of the user |
FullName |
string |
Full name of the user |
UserType |
string |
Type of user |
Leapwork, ActiveDirectory |
"$id": "1",
"Id": "cd3c7af-e06a-4b76-b742-0c12fddb9475",
"UserName": "admin",
"FullName": "admin",
"UserType": "Leapwork",
"LastActiveDate": "2023-07-03T05:30:20.5009037+00:00",
"TeamNames": [
"Team 1"
200 (OK)
400 (Bad Request)
401 (Unauthorized - eg: “Incorrect Accesskey”)
403 (Forbidden – eg: “AccessKey does not have the relevant scope permission”)
404 (Not Found – eg: “User not found”, “Team(s) not found”, “User does not exist in a team(s).”)
409 (Conflict – eg: “At least one team should contain an administrator”)
500 (Internal Server Error)
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