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The Privileges settings section can be used to make changes to default privileges.
Note: Privileges settings would be available if you are logged in as an administrator.
In the Privileges settings tab, you'll find these options:
When the ‘Allow Reader to run flows’ checkbox is unchecked, it doesn’t allow reader to run the flows and the reader can only view the flows.
When the ‘Allow non-admin users to modify (or create new) Powershell scripts in the schedules’ checkbox is unchecked, it restricts non-admin users to modify or create new Powershell script in the schedules. However, the non-admin users will be able to execute the existing schedules, having Powershell script, which are set by Admin users.
Contributor permissions: In this you can provide the contributor multiple permissions by checking the checkboxes such as: delete run-lists, delete reports, delete flows, delete dashboards, delete agents, delete schedules, and test connection on agents. By default, all above mentioned options should be disabled for contributor which means all the checkboxes should be unchecked by default.
Once you check any of the mentioned permissions for contributor and click on save button then checked options should get enabled for all the contributor permissions.
For e.g. - If Delete Flows option is unchecked then Delete option in context menu should be disabled if contributor select any flow and right click on it.
By default, if contributor press Delete key from the keyboard after selecting Run list/Report/Flow/Dashboard/agent then delete pop up should not be visible.
For e.g. - If Test connections of Agents option is checked then the Test Connection button is disabled if contributor add the agent.
Click on New button to add the new agent.
The new Agent Settings window opens:
Now you can see that the Test connection button is disabled.
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