Get Field

Get Field

As with a “table” structure, Leapwork “invents” a field logic in order to search for a name (field name) and give you the location including row, column, width, and length.

Building Block Header

The green input connector (top left) triggers this block to execute.

The green output connector (top right) is triggered when the position of the text is successfully fetched.

You can always change the title of a block by double-clicking on it and typing in a new title.

Field name

Here, the block returns the value from the captured field.

Text Fields

This is used to add any number of fields that can contain dynamic content and be used as tokens in the Field name value.

Use occurrence

This allows you to specify which occurrence to use in case you have multiple matches.


This is based on a row number and column number.


This represents the number or text that Leapwork fetched from the green screen.


This property represents the field value length. For the “User Name“ field, for example, the Length would be 9.

Is Modified

This means that a field in green screen is unprotected (editable) and that the default value was modified.

Is Protected

This means that a field in green screen is read-only.

Is High Intensity

This refers to a field that has unique attributes (e.g., text color).

Is Visible on Display

This means that the value is revealed (i.e., is not a hidden value such as a password).

Not found

The green output connector is triggered if the field is not found before the timeout (see below). This is typically used to a flow or to explicitly fail a case by linking it to a Fail block.

Default timeout

If the 'Default Timeout' property checkbox is not selected, then the timeout value will be set to 10 seconds unless changes manually. If the 'Default Timeout' property checkbox is selected, then the 'Default timeout' value selected in the flow settings (under “Max. run time) will be applied.

The Green Screen Recorder and building blocks are available with Enterprise plans.